Thursday, March 31, 2011

I Do It Right - Remember These 10 Keys!

• Integrity: Means always be honest. Know your principles and stand by them.
• Determination: Make up your mind to be successful. Resolve to let nothing stand in your way.
• Openness: To people, ideas and situations broadens our options and widens our perspective.
• Initiative: Means to act independently when necessary. Make a plan, and then begin to work on it. No plan is perfect, so do not wait until yours is before you begin to act.
• Resilience: Picks you up when a setback knocks you down. Recommit to your vision of success. Reaffirm your confidence in yourself. Then move on toward your goal.
• Imagination: Allows us to see the future. Develop and maintain the perspective of a child. Wonder why not and what if. Many successes come from seeing an old idea in a new way.
• Gratitude: Is an active way to thank others. Pass on to others the same help and prosperity you have received.
• Humility: Recognizes that success is usually the result of the effort and cooperation of many people. It is seldom the product of solitary actions.
• Think of others first: All of us serve others in some capacity. Use your abilities fully to help others benefit from their contact with you.

Read these 10 keys until you have them memorized and you can recall them simply by remembering “I do it right.” If you review these keys a few times a day they will help you remember what you have done so far that day. This should keep you focus regarding the path to follow that leads to your success.

I hope this has helped you in some way!


Lori McDowell
Internet Ceo Moms
Helping Families Work From Home Since 1999!

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