Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Building A Business That Will Last A Lifetime

I talk to several people every day, who are dissatisfied with the direction their lives are heading. They have become slaves to their circumstances and are trapped in jobs that are not rewarding;
emotionally, spiritually, or financially.

Most of the moms I meet, are struggling to find balance between the desire to raise their families, be present in their kids’ lives, and the need to earn additional monthly income. They are spread thin,
exhausted, and overwhelmed.

But through the chaos of daily life, I see a flicker of hope quietly glowing inside of all of us.

A Hope that we can create a better life for ourselves and our children.

A Hope that we can make a difference for others.

A Hope that life will get easier someday.

Please don’t let the draft caused by self doubt quickly extinguish that flicker of HOPE inside of you.

You can create a better life for yourself and your children, you can make a difference for others, and life can be easier.

As soon as you recognize that flicker of hope inside of you, and you start to pursue the better life you dream about, your perspective changes, the flame inside of you grows, and you see opportunity

I bet if you stop and assess your inner qualities, you will realize that you are ambitious.

You are dissatisfied with the way things are and you want to do something more with your life. You are caring.

You’re energetic when it comes to things you feel passionate about.

And I’ll bet that raising your kids has helped you to become decisive and developed your leadership and communication skills.

Those are the main qualities it takes to succeed in a home based business opportunity.

Building a home based business has been one of the best decisions I have ever made.

Has it been easy? No, nothing that takes hard work is ever easy.

Yes, it’s given my family a better life and allowed me to stay home with my son, but more importantly, it’s turned that flicker of HOPE into a fire within me, to
help others succeed everyday as well.

I would be honored to introduce you to the possibility of building a home based business that uses your gifts and strengths to help others.

If you have an interest in an opportunity that could help your family as well as help other families while working from home and you would like more information about how you can partner with me, please call me. Let’s schedule a time to speak and get to know one another better. I can educate you on my business that I am passionate about and you can ask me questions. There is no risk in finding out more information, expect there is the risk you might be missing out on an opportunity that is perfect for you. I want to learn more about YOU and your Dreams,as well!


Lori McDowell
Internet Ceo Moms
Helping Families Work From Home Since 1999!

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

What to look for in a Mentor!

What to Look For in a Mentor:

• I can not emphasize enough the importance of finding a good mentor. If you want to be successful in business and in life, it is so important that you find quality people to surround yourself with. People who possess the kind of skills and traits that you want to have as well.
• When you look for a mentor you need to look for someone who will come along side you to motivate you and direct you, encourage and direct you in the way you should go. When it comes to business, a person may be successful and a "leader" but if they aren't willing to partner with you for the long haul you may be left feeling it is so important to have a mentor who will continue to work WITH you to ensure your continued success!
• Here are some things to look for in a Mentor:
1. Mentors Open Doors and Help YOU to Create Opportunities for Growth: A mentor who has already had the experience and connections can help open the doors of opportunity that you don't know about yet or have access to.

2. Mentors Can Help you develop your Abilities and Strengths: A good mentor will set you up to succeed, not leave you alone to fail. A good mentor should challenge you to go a step further then you might have gone on your own.

3. Mentors Set the Pace and are and Example: Mentors show you wher to go and what to do. Watch them and do what they do!

4. Mentors Strive to Help you learn from Your Mistakes and Better Yourself Each and Every time: Mentors are your partners not your competition. They want you to do well. They will help you use your mistakes to learn and improve for the next time!

5. Mentors Strive to Help you Aim for Independence and to Help you become a Leader Yourself! The support and training you receive from you mentor should help you to branch out towards the goal of becoming a leader and mentor as well. They shouldn't want you to stay weak and under their wing forever, but Empower you to become like them and even Better! No matter what your goals and vision for the future, a good mentor will lead you towards functioning successfully and independently enough to be able to go on and lead the next generation to success!

Sent via facebook by Stephanie Page

I thought this was excellent because I believe having a great mentor makes all of the difference. Hopefully, everyone is successful with having a great mentor!

To Your Success,


Lori McDowell
Internet Ceo Moms
Helping Families Work From Home Since 1999!

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Tips For Working From Home

Here are some tips that help me get more done while working from home and home schooling my children.

1. Schedule. Know what you need to accomplish in your day, and create a schedule. It may be a loose schedule with big blocks of time for general things (for example, morning for school work, afternoons for business work, evenings for family time) or it may be a more precise schedule with hourly plans (breakfast at 8am, math at 9am, spelling at 10am, mom checks email while kids take a break at 10:30am, etc). This depends on your personality. Try different strategies to find what works best for you and your family.

2. Plans and Lists. I keep lists and plans. My weekly menu is on the fridge. My shopping list is also there and as soon as we run out of something it goes on the list. I plan to use the crock pot frequently, especially when I know a day will be busy. I choose home school curriculum that comes with the plans already laid out so it’s easy to “open and go” then just check off the boxes as we complete things. I’m a big fan of following things that work and not trying to re-invent the wheel.
My calendar stays on my desk and when I have specific projects or things that need done they go on the calendar. I keep an eye on what’s due and what’s coming up soon. I also use Basecamp online for client work and some of my own projects.
Find the types of lists and plans that work for you. Keep your planning tools in the most convenient places so you are reminded to use them and follow them.

3. Have support. Surround yourself with people and systems that support you in the things you’ve got to accomplish. We’ve chosen to home school through a charter school program that gives us a teacher I can call or email when I need help. I have business friends that I know I can go to for support and accountability as well. Makes a world of difference to know that’s there if I need it.

4. Challenge yourself. If you think it’ll take 30 minutes to clean your kitchen or speed through your email, set your timer for 15 and just see if you can get it done quicker. You might be surprised how often it works!
And now, let me give you access to some great free resources for small businesses including 101 Free/Cheap Ways to Market Your Business and more at
Michelle Shaeffer has been a work at home mom for more than 10 years and loves to share the tips and strategies she’s learned to help other small business owners and entrepreneurs.

This is a great article with wonderful tips! I hope this has helped you in some way!

To Your Success!


Lori McDowell
Internet Ceo Moms
Helping Families Work From Home Since 1999!

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

What Kinds of Online Businesses Coud You Have?

One of the most popular types of businesses that people tend to consider nowadays is an online business. It isn’t hard to see why either. These businesses can be run from home; they can bring in sales even when you are sleeping, and they can also be extremely profitable if they are run properly.

But online business is a very broad area to consider. If you want to make money in this way you should think about what kind of business you want to run before you dive into anything.

For instance some people find they can build a business around their skills. This could mean selling a service or creating a product they can sell instead. Some people are good at writing and therefore they offer this skill as a service, writing articles, blog posts and web content for their clients. Other people are good at making homemade greetings cards, so they create a unique range and sell them from a website.

This doesn’t mean you have to have a particular skill already that can be translated to the web though. Another good business model to focus on is to earn money from affiliate sales. An affiliate is a person who earns a commission from each sale of a product or service they make. There are thousands upon thousands of products and services that can be sold in this way.

Some companies have been created specifically to offer lots of different affiliate opportunities all on the one website. This means you get all the information and links you need in one place; all you have to do is to focus on how to make the sales. This can be done by creating a website on a specific subject and populating it with good content and your affiliate links.

Another popular way to make money online is to sell things on auction websites. You can either start by selling second hand goods or you can opt for buying wholesale and selling items at a profit. Both methods work and indeed many people have started off part time and left their full time job to devote their whole lives to this kind of online business.

The key to your eventual success will be to find a business that you really enjoy. There are plenty of ways to earn money from the internet – all you have to do is to find a business model that is perfect for your skills and ambitions. Remember you can learn as you go along as well.

Eventually you may have to consider upgrading some of your equipment to make it easier to run your business. A new computer might be in order, as could broadband for business, instead of using a standard residential connection.

Just remember to spend a little time deciding what your best online business model would be. It will be time well spent.

Paul is a part of the digital blogging team at who work with brands like BT. For more information about me, or to keep up to date with the latest in retail news, check out my posts at or visit my Twitter account, @shoutingID.

This is a great article about Online businesses. I love working from home and having a business that is online. I can set my own hours and work around my sons activities. It really is the best of both worlds. I would suggest you do something you are passionate about. I love helping others become healthier and as well as reach their goals. I hope this article helps you decide on a perfect online business for you.

To your success!


Lori McDowell
Internet Ceo Moms
Helping Families Work From Home Since 1999!

Monday, July 18, 2011

To the amazing women I know ....

A Flash Mob Dance Video was organized by Kim McGregor. Kim created this as a tribute to her best friend Erika Heller who died of colon cancer last year at age 31. Each and every telephone conversation they ever had, Erika would end by telling Kim "You're an amazing woman!" Well, Kim wanted to do something special to honor her friend and this is the result. It was filmed at the Toronto Eaton Centre after only one 6 hour rehearsal.

Kim's goal is to reach 1,000,000 viewers - please help her reach her goal and pass this on to all the amazing women in your life.


This is such an amazing tribute to her friend, as well as women all over the world.

I hope this puts a smile on your face.

To your success!


Lori McDowell
Internet Ceo Moms
Helping Families Work From Home Since 1999!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Dr. Oz - Best Way to Loose Weight

I have to share the information Dr. Oz had on his show today. I am a follower of Dr. Oz and very glad I am. Here are a few of his tips on loosing weight.

1. Best time to weigh yourself is as soon as you wake up. The average person wakes up at 6:30 a.m.

2. Best time to exercise is 6:35 a.m., based on getting up at 6:30 a.m. It is important to burn fat right away and it will make you feel great the rest of the day.

3. Best time to eat breakfast is within an hour after you wake up. Which in this example would be 7:30 a.m.

4. Best time to take a metabolism booster is at 8:00 a.m. Dr. Oz says to drink ice cold water, it will fill you up and you can loose 1 pound a year just by having the water. Sounds pretty good to me!

5. Best time to go to the Grocery store is 10:00 a.m. Simply because you are still full from the glass of water and it will keep you from over spending.

6. Best time to eat lunch is at noon because it is 4 1/2 hours after you have ate breakfast. If you wait longer you will tend to over eat because you waited too long.

7. Best time to eat dinner is at 6:30 p.m. You always need to eat dinner 3 1/2 hours before going to bed to help digest your food.

8. Best time to take your fiber supplement is at 6:15 p.m. right before you eat dinner. Dr. Oz says this will keep you from overeating because you will feel full from your fiber supplement. He says you will on average eat 70 calories less at dinner just by doing this. I will be switching when I take my fiber supplement.

I thought these were excellent tips and I am definitely going to incorporate these in my daily life. Thanks so much Dr. Oz!

I hope this has helped you as well.

To Your Success!


Lori McDowell
Internet Ceo Moms
Helping Families Work From Home Since 1999!