Monday, August 15, 2011

Great Advice For Anyone Interested In Starting A Home Business

If you’ve been wondering how to take an ordinary idea and turn it into an extraordinary business, read on. These 9 clues to success are guaranteed to give you the edge when it comes to making your Big Ideas, Dreams and Goals a reality:

1. Decide – The women were very clear about their decision to become an entrepreneur. There was no turning back. They were focused on making their business dreams and goals happen. Period.

2. Live in Optimism – Each one of them spoke about the power of optimism and this one style of behavior helped them in times of challenge and struggle in their business (especially early on in the start-up phase).

3. Maintain Unshakeable Belief – I had a mentor once who used to say, “people are looking for the chink in your armor.” It’s not what you say about your business that will attract people; it’s how you feel about what you say. These women had unshakeable belief about their business goals from the very start.

4. Take Inspired Action – There is a difference between action and inspired action. Do you get up every day with energy and passion for your business or do you hit the snooze button most days? Do you feel inspired when you get into your office or does it feel like a “ball and chain?” These women love what they do and it shows.

5. Follow your “gut” – Whether you are in the start-up phase or ready to take your business to the next level of success, trust your instincts.

6. ASK – This was BIG. These women were not afraid to share their ideas with anyone. They developed a marketing message about their mission and shared it everywhere they went with anyone who would listen. Challenge yourself to ask more often for what you want in business and life.

7. Get Uncomfortable – It’s essential that you get comfortable with being uncomfortable. When we’re comfortable, that’s a big clue that we’re not growing. The only way to experience real personal and business growth is to challenge yourself on a regular basis.

8. COI – Sit down and make a list of your “centers of influence.” These people are admired and respected in your community and area of business. Make a commitment to contact them and share your Big Ideas, Dreams and Goals. I will share from my own personal experience that this one tip has taken my business from “surviving” to “thriving.”

9. Pay Attention – To your clients and customers. Once you begin to gain momentum in your business, pay attention to what your clients and customers have to say. They will tell you what they want and how they want it delivered. Survey your clients at least once a year to find out what they love about your business and how you can better serve them.

These 9 success clues were basic threads that ran through each speaker’s presentation. Here’s what I love about them; They are low-cost to no-cost and as expected, come from within you. All you need to do is decide. Make a decision about achieving your own level of success (whatever that means to you) and follow these easy-to-implement clues to take your Big Idea, Dreams and Goals from “surviving” to “thriving.”

Anything is possible. Everything is waiting for you.

© 2010 Joy Chudacoff

Joy Chudacoff, ICF, PCC, is the founder of Smart Women Smart Solutions®, a Professional Certified Coach to 1000’s of women, Motivational Speaker, and Entrepreneur. She publishes a weekly buzz generating ezine, Reflections On Life and Business for Women Entrepreneurs. If you’re ready take your life and your business to the next level, get your FREE Tips, 2 FREE Reports and FREE MP3 now at

I hope this has helped you.

To your success!


Lori McDowell
Internet Ceo Moms
Helping Families Work From Home Since 1999!

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