Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Christian Work At Home Moms Article

Welcome to Every MOMent Counts! Here you will find words harnessed together by energy and enthusiasm that I hope will provide encouragement and empowerment to you as a mom.

You see once God blessed me with the title “mom” my entire outlook on life was forever altered, tipped away from self and towards legacy. Suddenly my desire to glorify God was transcended from my life and into the life of His great blessing to me…my children. I was being entrusted with these tiny little lives to love and mold into “His little soldiers” as my younger brother declares.

In today’s world of “meism” the ability to place one’s personal desires aside and contemplate daily life through the lens of selfless motherhood can only be done… well, through the power of the Holy Spirit. And lest you think me a prideful, perfectionist, ninnymuggins; allow me to assure you my selflessness exists successfully only when I am well girded. The daily battle against self continuously screams loudly in my momlife.

Actually, so loudly does it scream that I am compelled though necessity to spend daily time in the word at most, and seek out scotch taped index cards streaming with Bible verses at least. My home is frequently alive with the cascading sounds of Christian contemporary music to wage war against my selfish thoughts. And on the days I really need some serious refocus – very loud, foot stomping strains of LeCrae, Skillet and Third Day are at a fever pitch level!

My children have always been the integral part of my life. They matter. I make time for them. I set aside my wants for their needs. I spend intentional time with them. I am always a teacher. I fail. I apologize. We keep moving forward. We make memories. We play. I am silly. I dance. I sing. I instruct. I have “do nothing” days. I cook. I am busy. I err. I ask for forgiveness. We rebuild. We laugh. We cry. We create. I take pictures – lots of pictures. We make memories. I am an intentional mom.

My children are now teens. We have a relationship…still. I am part of their lives. They talk to me about things. I know all their friends. They hang out at our home with their friends. They continue to accept instruction.

Why? How?

Intentionality works.

Remember…every MOMent counts!



Tracey Eyster is the creator and senior editor of MomLife Today and has served with FamilyLife.com as a writer for three years. After becoming a mom, she “retired” from her career in public relations and marketing but continued to serve by volunteering on many committees and boards. She is passionate about momlife, encouraging other moms through speaking and writing, and is in the process of publishing her first book. Tracey is happily married to Bill has two teenagers at home (and several extras always looking for some fun n’ home cookin) and they live the simple life on a small ranch – horses, four wheelers, go carts and dirt bikes included! Always known as the “fun mom”- she embraces that title and challenges other moms to lighten up and make memories because … Every MOMent Counts! You can find her at www.momlifetoday.com, www.momlifeoutloud.com , www.blog.familymatters.net follow her on twitter at www.twitter.com/momblog, and hear tips from her on parenting at www.iquestions.com.

Great article I hope you enjoyed it!

To Your Success!


Lori McDowelL
Internet Ceo Moms
Helping Families Work From Home Since 1999!

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