Friday, August 20, 2010

The 'IT' Factor by Donna Stewart

I'm sure you've heard the phrase, "The 'IT' Factor" pertaining to successful people. They have " IT ".

The "It" factor is one of those undefined and subjective attributes that you either have or you don't. And for those who don't have "It," this undeniable "It" factor is more than just an attractive quality... it's also a hallmark of success. And 'It' falls into the category of you-know-it-when-you-see-it.

The plain truth is that those who have 'It' are just like you. The difference is that they are aware of and have practiced and mastered the fundamental skills of engagement to accomplish whatever it is they want to accomplish. In a nutshell, this is something you can learn. If you want to achieve something bad enough, you will find a way to do it.

With that being said, it's your reason or your "Why" that will keep you on task. But your reason MUST be strong enough.

Here are 5 "Must Do"s" to creating a strong "Why", to help you stay on task with and to accomplish your goals. MAKE SURE YOU WRITE YOUR ANSWERS OUT. IT MAKES ALL THE DIFFERENCE!

Ask yourself:

Why do you want to accomplish XYZ??

Next, expand on your why: When I accomplish this, it will mean this .....(fill in)............. to me.

3rd, expand further: When I accomplish this, it will mean this .....(fill in)............ to those I love.

4th, expand again:When I accomplish this I will feel ......(include at least 5 emotions)................ .

5th.....SHARE it in the written form with someone.

Donna Stewart
Founder, Internet Ceo Moms
Helping Families Achieve their goals since 1999!

Donna is so right! I believe everyone has a strong Why! I know my Why keeps me going! I am saving for my sons education and I have been able to put a substantial amount of money in his education fund every month thanks to Internet Ceo Moms. Just figure out your Why that will motivate you to keep moving forward because it is worth it!

For more information check out my website:

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