Friday, August 27, 2010

Laser Thinking, as presented by Hyrum Smith

Natural Laws are fundamental patterns of nature and life that human experience has shown to be valid.
Law #1: A successful business person is willing to do that which the unsuccessful business person is not willing to do.
Law #2: Wisdom is knowledge rightly applied.
Law #3: Time is the occurance of events in sequence one after the other.
Law #4: Management is the act of controlling.
Law #5: Time Management is the act of controlling events.

What do I control?
Law #6: The Effects of Conditioning:
1) There are events we can control, but we believe we can't.
2) There are events we cannot control, but we believe we can.
Law #7: Inner Peace is having serenity, balance and harmony in our lives achieved through the appropriate control of events.
Law #8: The objective of good time management is inner peace.
Law #9: The result of good time management is high self-esteem.
Law #10: A goal is a planned for event.
Law #11: When a goal is valued it become a priority.
Law #12: When goals are valued together, prioritizing is taking place.
Law #13: Prioritizing is the process of determining the precedence of events.
Ask yourself these questions:
1) What are the highest priorities in my life?
2) Of these priorities, which do I value the most?
Law #14: Planning is the process of determining future events.
QUESTION: Why don't people plan?
ANSWER: They don't have enough time...
This is not the actual truth. What they are really saying is that they value something else more.

Two Fallacies of Time
1) Somehow I'm going to get more of it.
2) Somehow I'm going to save it.

Commitment: I will spend 10-15 minutes every single day planning my day.

Three Steps to Effective Daily Planning
1) Identify all of the tasks I want to accomplish today.
2) Give a value to each task.
a) Vital - must be done.
b) Important - should be done.
c) Trivial - could be done.
3) Give a numerical value to each item on the list. (ex: a1,b2,c1)

REMEMBER: Vital does not equal Urgent

What is your timeline?

Six Steps
Step 1: Identify my governing values (my highest priorities)
Law #15: When my daily activities are in concert with my highest priorities, I have a claim to inner peace.

Step 2: Identify my Long Range Goals
Law #16: Governing values are a description of who I am.
Law #17: Goals are what I'm doing about who I am.

Step 3: Identify your Intermediate Goals
Step 4: Create your prioritized daily task list.
Step 5: Create a compelling score card.
Step 6: Hold yourself accountable.
Law #18: There is no chance, no destiny, no fate that can circumvent or hinder or control the firm resolve of a determined soul.

These are all great laws to live by and they all make total sense. It can build your business just by following these laws. It will change your life to build a business that lasts a lifetime.

I hope this helps!

For more information check out


Lori McDowell
Internet Ceo Moms
Helping Moms Work From Home since 1999!!

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