Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Hurry, Scurry and Worry

Many of us have read or heard the story of Mary and Martha – the two sisters in Luke chapter 10.

Mary chooses to sit and listen to Jesus teach. Martha, on the other hand, scurries around taking care of what she deems important tasks. Luke 10:38 says that Jesus was a guest at their house, so I’m sure Martha felt that she needed to play the part of the hostess, making sure food was being prepared and floors were being scrubbed. She is busy hurrying, scurrying and worrying while Mary simply sits.
In her frustration, Martha complains to Jesus that Mary has left her to do all the work by herself. And do you know how Jesus replies?
But the Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are worried and upset about many things. Only one thing is important. Mary has chosen the better thing, and it will never be taken away from her.” (v. 41-42)

Lately I’ve found myself hurrying, scurrying and worrying like Martha. There seem to be so many things to worry about each day – my kids, my husband, my business. And if I’m not worrying about them, who will? And if no one worries about them … well, surely something would go wrong, right?
When I came across this story a few days ago I saw myself in Martha, but I long to be Mary. Mary knew that there is only one important thing in life. Hear me on this: One. Thing. And that one thing? Knowing Christ. Nothing compares and nothing else matters eternally.

The bills won’t follow us into eternity (thank goodness!). The laundry will get done. The floors will eventually be scrubbed. But to know Him is the “better thing.”
Psalm 46:10 tells us to “Be still and know that [He is] God.” To know Him we must quiet ourselves. We have to make the time to sit at His feet as Mary did all those years ago and listen to Him speak to us – through His Word, time in prayer and by simply listening.

So, this week I’m doing just that – making sure my quiet time with the Lord happens every day – and that it’s actually QUIET time. And making sure that my focus is on the ONE THING that eternally matters, laying the rest at His feet.

How about you? Have you been hurrying, scurrying and worrying? Will you lay it all aside today and sit with Him?

Great article I found posted on the CWAHM web page. This is so true. We all do this hurrying around trying to get things done and worrying when they are not done When the only thing that we really need is to surrender it all to God. It is so simple but sometimes we choose to make it difficult. I know my day does not go as I plan, when I do not spend time with God.

I hope this helps!

To your success!


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