Monday, October 18, 2010

The Importance of Finding a Good Mentor!

What to Look For in a Mentor:

• I can not emphasize enough the importance of finding a good mentor. If you want to be successful in business and in life, it is so important that you find quality people to surround yourself with. People who possess the kind of skills and traits that you want to have as well.
• When you look for a mentor you need to look for someone who will come along side you to motivate you and direct you, encourage and direct you in the way you should go. When it comes to business, a person may be successful and a "leader" but if they aren't willing to partner with you for the long haul you may be left feeling it is so important to have a mentor who will continue to work WITH you to ensure your continued success!
• Here are some things to look for in a Mentor:
1. Mentors Open Doors and Help YOU to Create Opportunities for Growth: A mentor who has already had the experience and connections can help open the doors of opportunity that you don't know about yet or have access to.

2. Mentors Can Help you develop your Abilities and Strengths: A good mentor will set you up to succeed, not leave you alone to fail. A good mentor should challenge you to go a step further then you might have gone on your own.

3. Mentors Set the Pace and are and Example: Mentors show you wher to go and what to do. Watch them and do what they do!

4. Mentors Strive to Help you learn from Your Mistakes and Better Yourself Each and Every time: Mentors are your partners not your competition. They want you to do well. They will help you use your mistakes to learn and improve for the next time!

5. Mentors Strive to Help you Aim for Independence and to Help you become a Leader Yourself! The support and training you receive from you mentor should help you to branch out towards the goal of becoming a leader and mentor as well. They shouldn't want you to stay weak and under their wing forever, but Empower you to become like them and even Better! No matter what your goals and vision for the future, a good mentor will lead you towards functioning successfully and independently enough to be able to go on and lead the next generation to success!

Sent via facebook by Stephanie Page

I thought this was excellent because I believe having a great mentor makes all of the difference. Hopefully, everyone is successful with having a great mentor!

To Your Success,


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