Saturday, January 15, 2011

Are you in Love With Your Business?

This is a great article by Jayn Warrilow. She is right to be successful in your business you must by love what you do!

Jayne Warrilow is the President and Founder of MAX Executive Coaching and the MAX Coaching Academy. Max Executive Coaching - She has over 15 years ... Article Word Count: 1626 [View Summary] Comments (0)

As an entrepreneur you have a tremendous opportunity to embrace what you do with passion. You have an entire business landscape before you to accomplish whatever it is you desire. You are truly without limits. There are no earning caps or time clocks or people to tell you what to do and what not to do - the only limits are those you place upon yourself. If you are like most business owners you probably became self-employed because you were attracted to the idea of more personal freedom. You wanted to be your own boss and had some great ideas you wanted to try. You were passionate about those ideas. In the early days, I bet you were full of passion and excitement, like the first days of a new romance. All you could think about or talk about was your business - it was an exciting time. However since then, you will have been through a lot. You've worked hard and will have received some level of rewards. Your love of the business will have ebbed and flowed. Ask yourself now, are you in love with your business still? or has it merely turned into a long-term partner, a reliable companion?

If you answered the latter then it is time for you to rekindle the flame. Desire is key. It is desire that acts as the rocket fuel to success and propels individuals who would otherwise slip into mediocrity to the top of their field. In the words of Will Rogers "If you want to be successful, it's just this simple. Know what you're doing, love what you're doing and believe in what you're doing."

Here are some suggestions for you to reconnect with your original passion:

1. Get present You are unlikely to achieve success if you lose yourself within your business. Too many entrepreneurs work so hard and such long hours that they forget to sit back and enjoy the fruits of their labor. They are so busy working in their business that they forget to work on their business. It is really easy to lose sight of everything you have achieved since you first began, as many of us are already focusing our sights on what is happening next week, next month and next year. Get present. Bring yourself into the now and realise everything you have accomplished as an entrepreneur. Consider all of your customers, whose lives you have not only touched but improved with your product or service. Think about your employees and how you support them and their families. Think about your business, your products and services, the feedback you have received on why people buy from you. Think about what you do well and everything you have learned along the way. Think about yourself as a business leader and how your confidence has grown alongside your business. Enhance the positive and notice how you feel. There is a lot to appreciate and we don't do it often enough. So make sure you take the time to get present and realise how far you have come since the day you first began.

2. Know your why Remind yourself why you went into business in the first place, what were your original dreams? What was important to you back then? How do your business goals fit in with your personal goals and life purpose? Get back in touch with your initial motivations to remind you of the bigger reasons behind what you are trying to achieve.

3. Think big Let go of your limiting beliefs and expand your belief system. Most people who are stuck in a rut suffer from limited thinking, the nagging doubts that set in when we question whether we deserve the success we strive for. Fear and apathy are the greatest obstacles to success and need to be banished from your life. Give yourself permission to succeed. Think big, believe big and you will achieve big. Everyone who is extremely successful in business today, all started out somewhere and most of them had humble beginnings. Many of the men and women who lead America's Fortune 500 companies started out with nothing but saw beyond the low expectations of those around them. They thought big. They continuously expanded their belief systems and stepped onto their learning edge, pushing themselves beyond what others around them may have believed possible until their dreams became a reality. You have the same power. All of us do. If you set your goals with true passion you will believe in the potential of what is possible for you. So what are you waiting for? Expand your horizons, even if at first you find it challenging. Affirm all that you are and all that you want to be. See what happens to your life if you act as if anything were possible, if you open yourself to the opportunities around you - the results will amaze you.

4. Follow your bliss Everybody has certain things which they love to do within their business, those things that we have a natural talent for and which feed our energy. Then there are the other things, those that drain the very life force from us, which we usually try not to do. Find what you love to do and do more of it. Where possible delegate the energy drains to other people. This will help to support your passion and keep your personal energy high, to drive your business to success. Also every market has certain people you naturally feel connected to and like to be around. When the energy is right you have a tremendous opportunity to go beyond the normal business relationships and develop true friendships. Finding your "people" will energize and invigorate you in ways you never thought possible. So take the time to consider your niche, find the people you want to work with, who share your passion and you enjoy spending time with and aim your business in their direction.

5. Find the fun Whoever said that work should be "hard work" was wrong! The more fun you have within your business the more time and energy you will be prepared to invest in it. So work out what you love to do and find a way to get paid for it. Be creative! If you love socializing find a way to do more of it. Invite your clients to an "I love my clients picnic" and enjoy getting to know them a little better. Find creative, out of the box ideas to break up the routines of daily business life to make your business and your life, just a little more fun.

6. Discover the magic of flow Think about the energy you bring to your business. Everything is made up of energy and we are giving off certain messages via our energy whether we realize this or not. Your personal energy is fuel for your business. Your potential clients will pick up on your business energy and will make decisions whether they want to work with you or not, so it pays to ensure that you are in flow. Ask any athlete about being in flow or "in the zone" - these are those magic moments when everything comes together with a forward momentum that puts you at the top of your game. Embody and memorize that feeling as you can use this to propel yourself forwards at times when you need it most. Magic happens when you use all of your senses to envision shifting into your high performance zone. If you can imagine it, you can move into flow and then there is nothing to stop it from becoming a reality.

7. Be authentic Build a strong relationship with yourself, get to know yourself in all your glory so you can show up with your whole self to your business. Nothing stops flow faster than you being out of alignment with your authentic self and your core values. You need to know with unwavering certainty, who and what you are. Too many entrepreneurs make the mistake of being who they think they "should" be, or who they think their customers want them to be rather than being who they really are. You need to ignore those people who try to get you to compromise yourself. Don't allow anyone or anything get in the way of you being who you know you can be. This is your life you need to live it. Don't waste time impersonating yourself - if you are not going to be yourself who will be?

Set your performance meter to high and focus on the quality and value that not only serves you and your family, but also enables your best self to show up to your business. Great quality of service, impeccable integrity and a caring attitude towards your customers will always attract referrals and repeat business. If you follow these suggestions your clients will notice and they will begin to reflect your passion back to you. If you do this right you won't be the only one to fall in love with your business, your customers will too.

If you would like to know if you are blocking your business, take our free 3 min quiz

Jayne Warrilow is CEO of three international brands:
1. Max Executive Coaching, a collaborative coaching company working with senior executives across the globe
2. Max Coaching Academy, specializing in Intuitive Energy development with coaches and individuals, helping them to achieve accelerated results using energy and flow
3. Max Intuitive Entrepreneur, introducing entrepreneurs to the power of energy to prepare them for explosive business growth

Working internationally, Jayne has gained a reputation for exceptional coaching; combining a flair for strategic thinking with a passion for harnessing the client's own intuitive power. Her unique skills have brought the transformational power of energy into the C-Suites of leading global corporations impacting not only the individuals, but also the energetic flow of business through the organization. As author of the Intuitive Energy Model, she is passionate about using energy to drive change. She enjoys guiding individuals towards their learning edge so that when they step into energetic awareness they can shift themselves, their clients and their business into alignment and flow.

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