Monday, January 17, 2011

Business Vision - Think Big!

Our success is a work in progress and the definition changes and grows as we do. From where you stand right now what is the grandest vision that you can imagine for your future? What does it really look like and what are all the details that make up that vision? This is the fun part, allow yourself to really think big. Don't worry that you will disappoint yourself, don't judge if it is possible, just take a few minutes to ponder and ask yourself, "what do I really really want, what would be absolutely amazing to have?"

Think with a pad of paper and jot down all your ideas, look over the ideas and write down additional thoughts that come up. I know some ideas will seem pretty far out in the future, while others will seem very near and totally doable. Highlight one thing that is a part of your vision for business success and set out to make it happen right now. What will it take? What resources are necessary, who can you ask for help or support? Who do you know, or have read about that has made something similar happen and what are some of the steps and mindsets that made it possible for them?

Our vision can become our reality if we put it out there and dare to acknowledge that we want it. Then we take small steps every day to move toward that vision. Just start with small wins to build your confidence and your momentum and continue to push yourself for bigger and bigger goals that make up the ideal future. It can be scary, I know. But would you rather be scared and moving toward an exciting possibility or would you rather sit safely back and talk about what you could do, or could have done if you had really really wanted to? Now is the time to take action and create your business success anyway you can dream, don't let another day go by were you sit and think about it, do it!!

Helen Raptoplous has been called a Muse Mentor by her clients and the premier catalyst for business owners to grow and keep moving their business forward.

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I hope you enjoyed by Helen Raptoplous! It is very true you must think big with your vision otherwise, it may not happen!

To Your Success!


Lori McDowell
Internet Ceo Moms
Helping Moms Work From Home Since 1999!

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