Friday, August 26, 2011

Our Quest For Happiness By Frank VanderSloot - CEO

I believe that a factor that is often overlooked in our search for happiness is the tremendous impact that our own moral compass has on our happiness. We all seem to have a moral compass--something inside of us that tells us what is morally "right" and what is morally "wrong". It's something that is inside each of us. When we live and act within the boundaries of our moral compass, we have peace of mind. When we find ourselves living or acting outside the boundaries of our moral compass, we don't like ourselves. And when we don't like ourselves we can never be happy. I suspect that this phenomenon has the greatest impact on our happiness. Liking who we are is, I believe, the most important aspect of finding happiness. I have often imagined a man standing in front of a mirror when he is 90 years old and saying to the person in the mirror, "I know you. I know everything about you. I know everything you've ever done. I know every thought you've ever had. I know every mistake you've ever made. And I know what you have done to try to correct those things. And therefore I like you. And I trust you!" I think that would be the ultimate test of our lives. If we can pass that test, we will have passed the test of life. We will like ourselves. And we will have lived a happy life.

I hope this helps you in some way!

To your success!


Lori McDowell
Internet Ceo Moms
Helping Families Work From Home Since 1999!

Monday, August 15, 2011

Great Advice For Anyone Interested In Starting A Home Business

If you’ve been wondering how to take an ordinary idea and turn it into an extraordinary business, read on. These 9 clues to success are guaranteed to give you the edge when it comes to making your Big Ideas, Dreams and Goals a reality:

1. Decide – The women were very clear about their decision to become an entrepreneur. There was no turning back. They were focused on making their business dreams and goals happen. Period.

2. Live in Optimism – Each one of them spoke about the power of optimism and this one style of behavior helped them in times of challenge and struggle in their business (especially early on in the start-up phase).

3. Maintain Unshakeable Belief – I had a mentor once who used to say, “people are looking for the chink in your armor.” It’s not what you say about your business that will attract people; it’s how you feel about what you say. These women had unshakeable belief about their business goals from the very start.

4. Take Inspired Action – There is a difference between action and inspired action. Do you get up every day with energy and passion for your business or do you hit the snooze button most days? Do you feel inspired when you get into your office or does it feel like a “ball and chain?” These women love what they do and it shows.

5. Follow your “gut” – Whether you are in the start-up phase or ready to take your business to the next level of success, trust your instincts.

6. ASK – This was BIG. These women were not afraid to share their ideas with anyone. They developed a marketing message about their mission and shared it everywhere they went with anyone who would listen. Challenge yourself to ask more often for what you want in business and life.

7. Get Uncomfortable – It’s essential that you get comfortable with being uncomfortable. When we’re comfortable, that’s a big clue that we’re not growing. The only way to experience real personal and business growth is to challenge yourself on a regular basis.

8. COI – Sit down and make a list of your “centers of influence.” These people are admired and respected in your community and area of business. Make a commitment to contact them and share your Big Ideas, Dreams and Goals. I will share from my own personal experience that this one tip has taken my business from “surviving” to “thriving.”

9. Pay Attention – To your clients and customers. Once you begin to gain momentum in your business, pay attention to what your clients and customers have to say. They will tell you what they want and how they want it delivered. Survey your clients at least once a year to find out what they love about your business and how you can better serve them.

These 9 success clues were basic threads that ran through each speaker’s presentation. Here’s what I love about them; They are low-cost to no-cost and as expected, come from within you. All you need to do is decide. Make a decision about achieving your own level of success (whatever that means to you) and follow these easy-to-implement clues to take your Big Idea, Dreams and Goals from “surviving” to “thriving.”

Anything is possible. Everything is waiting for you.

© 2010 Joy Chudacoff

Joy Chudacoff, ICF, PCC, is the founder of Smart Women Smart Solutions®, a Professional Certified Coach to 1000’s of women, Motivational Speaker, and Entrepreneur. She publishes a weekly buzz generating ezine, Reflections On Life and Business for Women Entrepreneurs. If you’re ready take your life and your business to the next level, get your FREE Tips, 2 FREE Reports and FREE MP3 now at

I hope this has helped you.

To your success!


Lori McDowell
Internet Ceo Moms
Helping Families Work From Home Since 1999!

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Ten Top Reasons To Become A Customer!

I have been a customer of Melaleuca for 3 years and it is the best decision I made for my family for a number of reasons.

1. These products are the best products I have ever used! They actually do what they are suppose to which is awesome. We have improved our way of life by just switching stores and becoming a customer.

2. They are green products, so there are no harmful chemicals in them. I had no idea what the chemicals in our every day products are so hazardous to our health! These harmful chemicals can cause asthma, breathing problems, allergies, etc. No thank you, I am sticking with Melaleuca! Plus, everything is recyclable. Melaleuca has been a green company for over 25 years, they were a green company before it was popular.

3. These products help so many people with who have conditions such as, asthma, allergies, eczema, psoriasis, and so many other.

4. Melaleuca saves you money! The products are concentrated so they last longer! Laundry detergent, cleaners, shampoo, hand soap etc., will last you at least 3-4 times longer. Sometimes they last longer than that! The products can be mixed together and become multi-purpose cleaners as well as bug repellent.

5. Melaleuca gives you loyalty shopping dollars which are great and another way to save money. Melaleuca gives all new customers $20 worth of free products for the five months and then you accumulate them every month after that. I average $30 worth of free products. Plus you get 30-40% off the retail price just for being a customer.

6. Melaleuca will replace your trips to Walmart or Target because Melaleuca offers your everyday products. They have the following lines of products; Bath & Body, Skincare, Cosmetics, Dental, Laundry, Cleaners, Nutritional Food Line, Vitamins, Pharmaceutical, Kids, and Sports Nutrition. Think of the time you will save and gas money. I can tell you I love not having to take my son to Walmart or Target, we save money just staying out of those stores. This is all because I decided to try a new store and it was a great decision.

7. Melaleuca offers so many other services like discounts on cell phones, security systems, health care and the MarketPlace is great. The MarketPlace allows you to order from your favorite stores like Target, Kohls, Best Buy,, and about 400 other popular stores. You get anywhere from 5-15% off plus, Loyalty Shopping products to use to get free products.

8. Melaeuca offers coupons every month to give you even better savings for your favorite products.

9. Melaleuca will send you a thank you check for referring new customers. How many stores do that? You can refer as many customers as you would like and every time they order what they need, you will receive a monthly thank you check. I can tell you I have been receiving a check every month for almost 3 years and it more than pays for my products every month. It is like getting free products and making a profit. I do not know any stores that offers that. Plus, I love sharing these awesome products/store with others.

10. Melaleuca is usually only $29 a year to join and $12 annually, but this month it is only a $1 and there is no risk to join. Everything is guaranteed and you can cancel at anytime. It is a month to month membership. There is no penalty to cancel at any time.

There are several more reasons to join Melaleuca but I will stop there. I love Melaleuca because it is a Direct Consumer Company, not a MLM or Pyramid. There is the option to build a business with Melaleuca with great residual income. The great thing is people can just be customers and not build. The products are so great most people end up sharing it with the people they love and therefore they receive a check. It is a great company with Christian values and it all starts with the CEO. Melaleuca has been in business for over 25 years and has won several awards for providing excellent service to their customers as well as their community. That is what really impresses me. Check out Melaleuca's awards at the top of my blog. They have grown every year since they opened their doors in 1985.

If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact me at

I hope this information is valuable to you!

To Your Success!


Lori McDowell
Internet Ceo Moms
Helping Families Work From Home Since 1999!

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Understanding The True Meaning of Residual Income

When it comes to choosing and having a home business, my advice would be to make sure that there is a "True" residual income.

What exactly is residual income anyway? Simply put, residual income can be defined as any payment system where you receive regular, ongoing payments as a result of a one time effort. Payments that are regular and ongoing with no further effort (except for a little maintenance) once the initial work has been done.

As you surf the net, you will come across a wide variety of business opportunities. Invariably, each one will claim to have the best compensation plan available and many will claim to offer "residual income". However, a quick examination of many of these pay plans will reveal that, although there may be an earning opportunity, it cannot truly be described as residual income.

For example: Let's say you are in a home business that promotes water softeners. Once a sale is made, that customer will no longer require any further water softeners. At least not for a while. It's a one time sale, not an ongoing income.

Now let's look at a cosmetic business or a jewelry business as another example. Although your customers may need cosmetics or jewelry on a regular basis, unless they are signed up as an ongoing member that commits to purchase a certain amount each month, you can only "hope" they come back to you to purchase their cosmetics or jewelry.

Picture this scene. You had several parties during a month where you made $2000 in sales of your cosmetics or jewelry (of which you receive a commission). No one signed up as a consistent monthly shopper, but rather simply made a one time purchase from you. What are the odds that those who shopped from you last month, will come back and shop for just as much or more this month or the next, or even the next? The chances are slim. What is required with this type of home business is a commitment to begin each month searching for new prospects to replace the ones from the month before.

With genuine residual income, the products should be needed and consumed on a monthly basis. With that type of reorder process your current customer base continues to shop every month. So when a new month starts, and you build your business, you are simply adding to your current customer bases, thereby continually growing your business with a true ongoing residual income.

This article is by Donna Stewart the Founder of Internet Ceo Moms. Love this article and Donna explains it well. I hope this has helped you in some way.


Lori McDowell
Internet Ceo Moms
Helping Families Work From Home Since 1999

Tuesday, August 2, 2011

Christian Work At Home Moms Article

Welcome to Every MOMent Counts! Here you will find words harnessed together by energy and enthusiasm that I hope will provide encouragement and empowerment to you as a mom.

You see once God blessed me with the title “mom” my entire outlook on life was forever altered, tipped away from self and towards legacy. Suddenly my desire to glorify God was transcended from my life and into the life of His great blessing to me…my children. I was being entrusted with these tiny little lives to love and mold into “His little soldiers” as my younger brother declares.

In today’s world of “meism” the ability to place one’s personal desires aside and contemplate daily life through the lens of selfless motherhood can only be done… well, through the power of the Holy Spirit. And lest you think me a prideful, perfectionist, ninnymuggins; allow me to assure you my selflessness exists successfully only when I am well girded. The daily battle against self continuously screams loudly in my momlife.

Actually, so loudly does it scream that I am compelled though necessity to spend daily time in the word at most, and seek out scotch taped index cards streaming with Bible verses at least. My home is frequently alive with the cascading sounds of Christian contemporary music to wage war against my selfish thoughts. And on the days I really need some serious refocus – very loud, foot stomping strains of LeCrae, Skillet and Third Day are at a fever pitch level!

My children have always been the integral part of my life. They matter. I make time for them. I set aside my wants for their needs. I spend intentional time with them. I am always a teacher. I fail. I apologize. We keep moving forward. We make memories. We play. I am silly. I dance. I sing. I instruct. I have “do nothing” days. I cook. I am busy. I err. I ask for forgiveness. We rebuild. We laugh. We cry. We create. I take pictures – lots of pictures. We make memories. I am an intentional mom.

My children are now teens. We have a relationship…still. I am part of their lives. They talk to me about things. I know all their friends. They hang out at our home with their friends. They continue to accept instruction.

Why? How?

Intentionality works.

Remember…every MOMent counts!



Tracey Eyster is the creator and senior editor of MomLife Today and has served with as a writer for three years. After becoming a mom, she “retired” from her career in public relations and marketing but continued to serve by volunteering on many committees and boards. She is passionate about momlife, encouraging other moms through speaking and writing, and is in the process of publishing her first book. Tracey is happily married to Bill has two teenagers at home (and several extras always looking for some fun n’ home cookin) and they live the simple life on a small ranch – horses, four wheelers, go carts and dirt bikes included! Always known as the “fun mom”- she embraces that title and challenges other moms to lighten up and make memories because … Every MOMent Counts! You can find her at, , follow her on twitter at, and hear tips from her on parenting at

Great article I hope you enjoyed it!

To Your Success!


Lori McDowelL
Internet Ceo Moms
Helping Families Work From Home Since 1999!

Monday, August 1, 2011

Tips for Leadership!

One of the most exciting parts of your home business will be building and leading a team. When I first started in my company, I had zero experience. My home business was my very first at home anything I had ever done so I had A LOT to learn. It has been such an incredible journey going from someone who had no experience at leading a team to someone who has grown an organization of thousands. I'm SO excited to share with you how I did just that!! These tips are from Kristen Wooten who is a team member of Internet Ceo Moms! Great tip!

My 10 tips for you follow the letters in LEADERSHIP:

L - Learn from other leaders. When I first started my business, I didn't have any experience at this sort of thing at all. I was so green to this business and didn't have the slightest idea how to lead a team. One thing that really helped me was watching my mentor and the other leaders within our team. I watched and learned everything from them. I watched how they ran their businesses and lead their teams and I started implementing a lot of the same things they were doing. When any of them would give advice, I would listen and listen hard, whether it was a one on one conversation, on a team call or on stage at an event. They had already built dynamic organizations so it just made sense to follow their lead rather than reinventing the wheel. I remember asking my mentor "What do you do, because that's what I'm going to do." I listened very closely to her answer and took notes because I figured if she could do this business, I could too!!! I have always believed that if you surround yourself with successful people and do what they do, you too will reach success. And basically, everything else I am about to share with you guys is what I learned.

E- Environment - You want to create an environment for success. An environment where your team members can learn, have fun and most importantly GET IT DONE. And the way to do this is by getting them connected. Not only connected to you and the rest of their upline but to each other as well. What makes our group great is that our entire organization works together as a team. I have everyone connected with each other and we are a very tight group. The reason to do this is because it's so easy to feel like you are working by yourself when you work from home. Make it your goal for them to know that we are working FOR ourselves NOT by ourselves. You want them to feel a part of something big and special. It was my goal to create a special team environment and it's worked out beautifully. Some things you can do to accomplish this goal:

* Get your team connected on a Forum or Yahoo Group that you setup for your team - This was probably one of the best things I've done for my team. There have been a lot of great friendships and business relationships built on these. This is a place that they know they can go to to ask questions and get immediate answers. That way, for example, if someone on your team can't get a hold of you right away, they know they can go there for support. It also doubles up as a time management tool. A lot of new team members or team members in general have a lot of the same questions. When we answer them on the group or forum, that could answer five other team member's question that they also have which saves you time in answering them over and over again. It's all about working it smart guys.

* Setup challenges for your team and do the challenge with them! For example, I've done 90 Day Challenges with my team. Where we set specific goals to reach within that period and we all work hard toward them. The keyword being WE. Meaning if you want your team to do it, you need to do it. Leading by example is everything when you're building a team

* Get them connected to the team calls that your team and company provides. Host your own team call. Even if it starts with two people, start small, it will build up. Your team will appreciate hearing your voice every week. Until you feel comfortable doing that, send them to your upline's team calls.

A - Attitude - I'm just going to start by saying that attitude is everything. In every aspect of your life but especially in your business. When you maintain a positive attitude throughout your day and life, you can move mountains. Attitude is 90% of this business, the other 10% can be taught. If you're up, down and all around.....your business will be up, down and all around. Now I'm not saying it's not okay to have a bad day, we all have bad days. But don't let a bad day turn into a bad week or even worse a bad month. When I start having a bad day, I give myself an attitude adjustment. It's a choice that I make. Either sit and be miserable with my bad attitude or shake it off, put a smile on my face and keep moving forward. It's especially a very important choice when you're leading a team. Your team is watching you!! Attitude reflects leadership. If you want them to have a good attitude, you must have one!! Never complain to your team members, ever, if you're having a bad day, don't show it to your team. Attitudes are contagious, so ask yourself if yours is worth catching???

D - Daily Action - Your team is watching YOU!!! You MUST lead by example. A very common mistake I see new leaders make is that they go into management mode. This will put a screeching halt on your business. You can't tell your team to go out and recruit new team members and customers, if you're not recruiting new team members and customers. One thing I noticed when I first started was that my mentor was still putting business on the books every single month, even at the top level in our company and $250K in lifetime residual income. She wasn't just talking the talk but she was walking the walk and that inspired me to go out and do the same. I'll never forget what she told me when I hit my first level of management, she said "You're team is watching you, if you're adding business and promoting, they will follow you." She also told me to keep my name on the lists, meaning the top recruiter lists. That's been my goal ever since she told me that. It will make your team proud of you and it will inspire them. It will also give them a much higher respect for you as a leader if you are actually out there doing what you're asking them to do.

E - Embrace every obstacle and struggle that comes your way- This is something I didn't really understand fully until about my third year in my business. Many of us go through obstacles and struggles in the beginning of our business. I know I had a lot of struggles and discouraging moments in the beginning of my business and now I'm so happy that I did. For me, mine were everything from going through a divorce, being a single mom working a full time job outside of the house, my utilities getting shut off, I had a HUGE fear of the phone, I made about 200 presentations before getting my first yes, I had very little money for advertising, I could go on with more stuff but you guys get the point. I am a person that firmly believes that everything happens for a reason. At the time, all that stuff seemed really big and hard but what I didn't know was that was a part of my training to become a better leader. Because when my team members go through those things, I can relate to them and help them through those times. I can inspire them and let them know that if I did it, they can do it! So, think of it this way. Embrace every obstacle and struggle that comes your way, because you're going to learn from it and when YOU are a Top Leader in your company, you can help your team members through it! It's all about attitude and perspective!

R - Recognition - This is my very favorite part. I love to shower my team with recognition. I will never forget the first time I saw my name on a Top Recruiter list. It felt really good. I was so proud and it put a fire in me. And from that moment on, I aim to have my name on all the lists. I remember telling my mentor that and she told me that people will work harder for praises than raises. It's so true. We LOVE to be recognized for things we're doing right, it's human nature. Recognition has been a HUGE part of my building a successful team. You can recognize your team in many ways.

* Team Newsletter - You can send this out weekly or at very least, bi-weekly. You can create an email with pictures of team members being recognized, graphics, articles and much more. For the recognition part, you can include the top customer and team member recruiters month to date, the Top Producer for the month (which includes all business added), New pin level and income level promotions and also do a featured team member of the week. Choose one leader every newsletter to be in the spotlight and include their bio in the newsletter. You want everyone on your team feel as special as they are. The best part, they ALL race for these spots. It's a nice healthy competition to get you're team moving!

* Team Calls - You can also mention all of those accomplishments on your team call. And at least once a month, I put a leader in the spotlight on my team call as my special guest.
* Mail greeting cards to those hitting new promotions/income levels - Everyone likes receiving good mail (you know, NOT bills) so a handwritten note from you is special. Taking the time to do that shows that you truly care.

* E-cards and emails for new business added - When someone enrolls their first piece of business, I'll send them an e-card with a short little message like "Congratulations on your first enrollment, remember if you can enroll one, you can enroll hundreds. Get ready for an amazing future." I also send a short little emails to congratulate my team members on new business. It could be something as easy as "Yay Traci, I'm so proud of you."

S - Step out of your comfort zone - I tell you, getting to the level I am now has required a lot of stepping outside of my comfort zone and I know that to stay successful, I am going to have to continue to do so. While this makes me a little nervous, I know that it is good for me. Picking up the phone to call a prospect is where it started, leaving fliers at businesses, being a special guest on a conference call (I will never forget the first time my mentor asked me to be on a call with her, I thought I was going to pass out!!!), hosting my own team calls, being in a television commercial and speaking at events, now THOSE last two were HUGE steps for me. However, all of those things have helped me to become a better person and leader. I love that my mentor pushes me to grow and be the best. It's a gift that she has given me. It might not have been as fun as getting a birthday gift...but after the fact when I stand back and see that I faced a fear and beat it, I am so grateful to her. The truth is, you must step out of your comfort zone to reach greatness in life. It will make you a better leader and your team will be proud of you!!!

H - Help your team - This one is kind of a given but still very important. When your team emails or calls you, it's important to get back to them quickly. I try to get back to them to same day but if I can't, at least by the next day. You want them to feel comfortable coming to you so they don't feel like they've been left hanging to figure it all out for themselves. Now, while it's very important to help your team, it's also important that you are working on your own personal production too. My team knows that I am unavailable for training between the hours of 12:00 - 2:00 Monday through Friday because I am working on adding new business. This also sets a great example of balancing training and prospecting for them to follow when working with their own teams.

I - Inspire and believe in them - Keep your team inspired. You can send them inspirational articles, quotes, videos, audios, anything to get their blood flowing. Also, by reaching different levels of success within your own business, it inspires them to know that if you can do this, they can too! Let them know the obstacles and struggles that you overcame and that you are absolutely no different than them. The only difference is that you have been here longer. Also let your team members know that you believe from the bottom of your heart that they can do this if they want it bad enough. From the day I became a leader in my company, my mentor has always showed me in many ways how much she believes in me and it was amazing to see how that made me believe in myself and made me more confident.

P - Personal Development - Personal Development is something I never realized was so important until I started my home business. I guess I thought I just "didn't need that stuff." It took me a few months to finally give into it. When I did, it was a shocker to see what I was so skeptical of transforming my life both personally and professionally. I am a firm believer that if you keep feeding your mind that you will reach greatness on every level. I incorporate personal development into my daily routine. Every morning, I get up an hour before my kids to and listen to an audio while I am checking emails and having my coffee. It's an awesome way to start the day. It really sets the tone for my day when I immediately start putting good stuff in. I also encourage my team to do the same, not necessarily my schedule but at least a couple audios or chapters of a great book per week. When you start incorporating personal development into your life and business, your family and friends will notice it. You will be a more pleasant and positive person to be around. It will rub off on your team and you will be amazed at the growth you will have in your organization. I have people ask me just about everyday, "How do you do it, how do you stay so happy and positive all the time?" I tell them it's a choice I make and that I continue to work on being a better person and leader everyday.

Those are all of the steps I have taken to build a HUGE team over the years. Following those steps will help you to build a DYNAMIC organization as well!!


Thanks Kristie Wooten from Internet Ceo Moms for such a great article!


Lori McDowell
Internet Ceo Moms
Helping Families Work From Home Since 1999!